Otomo Ujitoki (大友氏時)

Ujitoki OTOMO (Birth date unknown - April 8, 1368) was a Shugo Daimyo (feudal lord) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts of Japan. He was the 8th family head of Otomo clan. His father was the 6th family head, Sadamune OTOMO. His mother was Moritsune SHONI's daughter (there are various theories on this).

He was in favor with Takauji ASHIKAGA and became an adopted son of his. In 1362, with the death of his older paternal half-brother, Ujiyasu OTOMO, he inherited the family estate and was made to be the family head. In Kyushu at the time, Takemitsu KIKUCHI of the Nancho (Southern Court of Japan) was dominant in power, so Ujitoki (who was on the side of Northern Court of Japan) cooperated with Yorinao SHONI to fight against KIKUCHI's army. But OTOMO's army was greatly weakened after suffering a crushing defeat at the Battle of Chikugo-gawa River.

In despair at the defeat, he fell ill and passed away. The family estate was inherited by Ujitsugu OTOMO. His posthumous Buddhist name was "Tenyu."

[Original Japanese]